
Blog of a Writer on the Go and Barely Here.
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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

To Start off the New Year

We are well into the new year, a year I'm hoping will bring lots of good things with it.

WHAT THE TOWN KNEW is off to the editor for a professional look-through before I do a final pass and it goes to the printer. Still very much on target for April release. If you missed the first announcement, we have a location and date for the book launch: Booklover's Gourmet in Webster, MA. It will be on Saturday, April 18th from 2-4 pm. I'd love to see everyone's smiling faces.

With the launch lined up and everything moving forward, I'm offering a pre-order special. From now until the launch, you can order a copy at the bottom of the page here for $7.99 plus shipping and handling. After the launch, the price will be going up to $11.99.

Here's to a fantastic 2015!